Enter Users

Watch the video below to learn how to create users.



After logging into the application, you will find the menu items on the left side of the screen. Scroll down, click on the “Administration” menu item, and then “Users” on the submenu.

This will display the Users List, as shown below, where you can see the list of users and add new users that can access your company site.

Adding New User

After logging in, navigate to the "Users List". Click the “Create new user” button at the top of the “Users List” to add a new user to the system.

When entering user details, enter the user's first and last name, email address, and user name in the designated fields. The required fields are identified with a red asterisk.

Ensure that the email address is unique and specific to the user, and also enter a password or allow the system to generate a random password for the user. 

When Setting User Roles, Click on the "Roles" tab to assign roles to the user. Multiple options can be set for each user’s set-up by clicking on the boxes below the Username. If you don’t want the person to receive an email with login info, uncheck the “Send activation email” checkbox.

Review the available roles and select the appropriate ones based on the user's responsibilities.  

The "Administrative" role should be given to anyone who needs to access all system functionalities except those for driving a truck and a few dispatching notifications. If you have given someone “Administrative” access, you don’t need to add any roles unless that person will be dispatching or driving. 

Click the "Save" button to save the user account and assigned roles.  

Accessing Existing Users

You can perform the below-mentioned actions using the menu button (button with ellipsis ...) on the desired user row.

User menu button

  • Edit allows you to edit the user record.
  • Selecting Permissions will display the administrative permissions dialogue box. You can change a user's permissions using this option. It is better to specify roles rather than setting individual permissions here. 
  • Unlock the user's account if it is locked because of excessive failed logins. By default, their account will be unlocked in 5 minutes, so you should rarely have to use this option.
  • Delete allows you to remove the User from the system. If you have history for the user, you may be unable to delete them. Instead, you can inactivate them using the "Edit" option and change the "Active" setting.


User Detail
The User’s Roles must also be defined by clicking on the “Roles” tab to the right of the “User Information” tab.  A company should have at least one Admin per site that can have full access to the site.  Other roles can be selected depending on the user’s roles within the company.
User Roles

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