Provides a means for adding new orders and for viewing the detail of an existing order. Fill out the fields provided with the corresponding information such as ID, account number, delivery date, customer, quote, contact and PO number.
If you select a previously created quote to be assigned to the order, you will see a pop-up letting you know that this will change the status of the quote from pending to active. Select “Yes” if this is expected.
The down arrow in the customer field displays the list of customers, or you can put your cursor in the text area (of the customer field) and start typing and the item matching what you have typed will display.
When typing a name in the customer field you will see a “+” to add a new customer, in case the customer was not created yet. The quotes and contacts controls behave the same way except they do this for their entity which would be quotes and contacts. When selecting contacts, you will only see the contacts associated with the customer you entered above.
When creating a new order, after selecting the quote from the “Quote” dropdown click on the “Add Order Item” button, then it will display a list of all items from that quote. Click on the checkbox for the line items you want added to the quote.
If you want to select all items together then click on the “Select All Checkbox” that is displayed in the header.
Clicking on the “Add selected items” button will add all selected items to the “Order item” data table.
If you click on the "Add order item" a second time, you will see the same list of items to select from.
If you are using QuickBooks and the customer is already in QuickBooks, be sure the customer name matches what is in QuickBooks for the invoice import to work.
The total values on order are calculated automatically based on the values present in the line items and the sales tax. The sales tax rate should be entered, should you want sales tax calculated on the order. 5% should be entered as 5. The system will divide by 100, so do not enter .05 for 5%. The rate does not have to be an integer, so if the sales tax is 5.5% you would enter 5.5. The sales tax will be calculated automatically based on the sales tax percent and the total of material and freight.
If any line item has “Deliver to” or “Load at” value as “Job site” then it will be replaced on schedule & other reports (wherever applicable) with the “Job site” field value that was entered while creating the order.