You can create and view the details for a pay statement using the “Driver Pay” menu option under the main menu. Dump Truck Dispatchers can generate pay statements for both hourly and production-based pay. Before using this option, you must set the pay rates for any driver for whom you want to generate a statement.
The “Driver Pay Statements” view looks like the image below.
You can create a new pay statement by clicking the “Add Pay Statement” button at the top right.
You will see an “Add Driver Pay Statement” dialog and will fill in the desired date range and check the appropriate options you want to be included. If you pay drivers as a percentage of freight, check the "Include Production Pay" checkbox. If you have some drivers being paid an hourly rate for driving the truck or getting paid an hourly rate for vacation or holiday pay, you should check the "Include Hourly" checkbox.
Upon clicking “Save”, the pay statement will be generated, and an entry added to the “Driver Pay Statements List”. You will then be able to see and edit the pay statement items as shown below. If you have fewer columns in the list it is because you don't have production pay enabled. The below is showing an example of hourly pay for a company that also supports hourly pay.
You can view the results by clicking the “Print” option available on the ellipsis button menu.
Below is an example of the “Pay Statement” for an hourly driver.