Release 2.4.8

Changes to Scheduling

Since validating utilization was getting in the way more than it was helping most dispatchers, we made some changes to try to streamline the dispatching without validating utilization. All new customers will be set up with this validation turned off by default.

If you are successfully using the system with the utilization validation enabled, you can continue to do so and should see no changes. If you have “Validate Utilization” enabled, and you don’t want to be forced to specify the utilization, you can disable it under the “Dispatching & Messaging” tab of the settings as shown below.

Validate utilization setting

With the new approach, instead of preventing you from adding trucks based on their utilization, we’ll allow the trucks to be assigned to the order. We’ll still show the status of the trucks with the same colors, but the colors will have different meanings in some cases. Following is what the colors mean on the trucks in the truck block when “Validate Utilization” is disabled:

  • Green – have some availability on this day (utilization < 1)
  • Yellow – are fully scheduled for the day (utilization = 1)
  • Red – are over-scheduled (utilization > 1)

This change makes it easier to see if you have over-scheduled a truck.

Mark trucks as done on completing hourly dispatch. If all trucks on an hourly job are marked done, the job is marked complete automatically.

Tickets by Driver

A person with appropriate permissions can edit invoiced order/tickets on the “Tickets by Driver” screen. You’ll need to add the permission shown below to the appropriate role or person. Editing tickets on invoices or pay statements can cause issues with the data being incorrect, so be sure you understand what you are doing, before editing these tickets that are already on invoices or pay statements.

Edit invoiced ticket permissions

Streamlined the process for getting started.

When first opening an account and a new tenant is created, it isn’t obvious where to start if the new user hasn’t been trained or read the documentation. We added numerous various icons, buttons, and inline instructions to help with this learning process.

Removed projects from all new tenants and those that aren’t currently using projects. Most of the time when they were used incorrectly. If you are currently using projects, you will find a scaled down version of projects that can be accessed from a quote. When we added the ability to clone quotes, there was little need for “Projects”

We changed numerous dropdowns to allow adding items on the fly instead of first having to add them via the correct data entry screen.

The “Add/Edit Truck” dialog is an example of this. You can now create a new driver in the default driver control without having to first visit the “Driver List” to add a driver.

Lease Hauler Pay Statements

Previously, the only option for the “Lease Hauler Pay Statement” was for the data from all sub-contractors to be in a single export file. We added an option to export an individual file for each sub-contractor.

Lease Hauler Pay Export Options

If you select to “Export a file for each lease hauler”, the system will create a file per sub-contractor.

The first option will create the same file it always has.

Miscellaneous changes and fixes

We changed the pay statement to be able to account for pre-loads.

The main menu was flattened out so there aren’t as many menu items hidden under other menu items. Many of the icons were also updated.

Add PO Number column to quote list.

With the iOS 14.4 release, iOS now supports push notifications. This means that our server can send a message to the iOS device telling it to get the latest data without the driver having to continuously refresh. Be sure you have updated your iOS devices.

Added the ability to search tickets by office for those that have the office functionality enabled.

Export the freight rate to pay driver on the “Revenue by Order” export.

Added the “Freight Rate to Pay Driver” to the Ticket export file if the setting for allowing the freight rate to be different from the freight rate the driver is paid on is enabled.

Changed the following detail views to be open modally on top of the current screen being displayed so you don’t have to leave what you are working on to add one of these type of items.

  • Add Job
  • Add Order
  • Add Quote


We removed the following menu items and added them as button options to the “Trucks” list if these features and security are enable for the logged in tenant and user:

  • Import Mileage/Engine Hours – opens the ImportVehicle view as a modal dialog.
  • Import Fuel - – opens the ImportFuel view as a modal dialog.

We removed the default values for “Comments” and “Terms of Service” for quotes. These were meant as an example and most people were forgetting to change them even though very few agreed perfectly with how they were worded. If you were one of the few that the default values were correct, you can contact us and we’ll add it for you. If you had customized this default, your values should be untouched.

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