Release Notes

Handling Miscellaneous Charges

Added functionality to allow adding “Miscellaneous Charges” to a job so these charges can be tracked through the process. By default, this feature isn’t enabled until we get more feedback from those opting to use it. If you would be interested in using this functionality and willing to provide feedback, let us know and we’ll turn it on for you.

At the bottom of the “Add/Edit Job” screen is a “Add/Edit Charges” button. Clicking this will open the dialog shown below. This dialog allows you to add the charges associated with this job. These charges will then be available to be invoices when this job is invoiced.

Miscellaneous charges

A charge can also be added from the job on the “Schedule” and on the “Tickets by Driver” screen as shown below.

Add/Edit charges menu item

Add/Edit charges on Tickets by Driver screen

When  the invoice is created via the batch invoice creation process, the charges are added to the invoice using the same rules as the tickets. Note that only one charge is added for the job, so if the charge was meant to apply to each ticket on the invoice, you’ll need to adjust the charge.

Below is a screenshot of the above charge being added to the automatically created invoice. If there are unbilled charges, you would see an “Add unbilled charges” button near the “Add unbilled tickets” button.

Add new charge to invoice

Chat Messages

To make it easier to determine which driver you are chatting with and the truck they are in, we added the truck and driver name to the chat message.

Separate Freight and Materials

Up until now, we have had a single item that was used for both freight and materials. This resulted in confusion and our logic was getting more complicated to cover all situations. It also resulted in many products/service entries when there would have been fewer if we had separated the material items from the freight items.

With this release, we have separated them. We have not migrated any existing tenants to use this new functionality. SO when you don’t see this new approach, don’t worry. If you want to be migrated to this new functionality, let us know and we’ll schedule your migration. Each tenant needs to be migrated separately as we will need to discuss the implications on the way your products/services are currently configured.

While you still enter the items into the same “Add/Edit Products/Services” screen, the screens look different depending on the type of item selected. With this change, we can also track the cost of the product. Below is a screenshot of the “Add/Edit Products/Services” screen with a product (non-inventory part) selected for a tenant with multiple pricing tiers. As you can see, you can have a different cost and prices per each location.

Add/Edit Product

Below is a screenshot of a service. Note how you can have different rates for the different types of trucks.

Add/Edit Service

The quote, job, and order forms have been updated to support this separation of products and services. We have also rearranged some controls in preparation for automatically calculating haul rates based on distance between the load at and deliver to locations.

Note in the image below how there are separate “Freight Item” and Material Item” controls. If you fill in the “Truck/trailer category, we’ll be able to default your price for the specified category.

Changes To Edit Job Form

You will find similar changes to the quotes and orders as you see in the above image.


Native Driver Apps

Changed the dispatches to only show open dispatches for dispatches prior to today. Today’s and future days’ dispatches are displayed even if they are complete.

Date and time are now displayed on all dispatches.

Added a colored icon to make future dispatches obvious. We couldn’t hide future day dispatches since we needed to support pre-loads. In addition to the image, the driver will also see a warning message when he tries to start the dispatch on a day before the order date.

Added functionality to make certain dispatches and messages more obvious to the drivers.

Started the approval process for the iOS app in the Apple Store.


Fixed the issue with the Preventive Maintenance “Search” and “Clear” buttons not working.

Improved handling of SignalR connections to improve real time response.

Added a Swagger endpoint.

Removed redundant icons to improve performance.

Moved more background processing to the Service Bus to improve performance.


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