Using the PWA Driver App

These instructions are for the older PWA (Progressive web app) version of Dump Truck Tracker. If you aren't sure what version to use, read this article.

The driver app may be configured in the settings to display only the buttons or to allow the driver to add tickets and get signatures. The below 2 videos show the different approaches. 

[velocity type="vimeo" id="671446152" img="" alt="Play" color="#FFFFFF" bkg_color="#000000"]
[velocity type="vimeo" id="671446172" img="" alt="Play" color="#FFFFFF" bkg_color="#000000"]
Above is a short video of the driver app with the ticket controls enabled. The video below shows the simplified version of the driver app.


When you log in to the Driver application for the first time on the day, you will see a message with your scheduled start time and truck assignment. If no start time is specified, you are expected to figure out what time you need to start to be able to be on the jobsite by the time specified in the first dispatch for the day. If you are assigned on any upcoming jobs the first dispatch details will be displayed below the start time message.

Dump Truck Tracker Driver App

To start your job, you have to click on the “Clock In” button, the “Select time classification” form will be displayed. Then you will specify the relevant time classification on the “Time Classification” control.

If you selected a time classification that isn’t the same type as the first scheduled dispatch, then a confirmation prompt will be displayed while clicking on the OK button. There may be cases where you are adding a time classification different from the type of classification specified for the first job. 

Otherwise, upon clicking the OK button, you can see that the timer on your driver app will start to increment.

If you want to change the time classification without clocking-out, you can do it by clicking on the “Change Time Code” button. When clicking on the “Change Time Code” button, the “Select time classification” form will be displayed and you can change the time classification and can add any text on the “Description” column.

There are 2 different sets of screens you may see next depending on whether the job is a production-based job where you are assigned an amount of product to haul (e.g.) in tons, cu. yards, loads, etc...) or

an hourly job where your movements will be controlled by the client). These two sets of screens are broken out with their instructions below.

Production Job

By clicking on the “Acknowledge Dispatch” button, you will see the “Load” page. From this page you can add the ticket. Before adding the ticket if you need to cancel the dispatch, you can do so by clicking on the “Cancel Dispatch” link.


To add a ticket, click on the “Add ticket” button.
The “Add ticket” form will be displayed.

You can enable/disable the ticket field by clicking on “+” icon as shown on the above image. When the “+” button is clicked, the system knows to generate a ticket number automatically upon saving the ticket information. This is typical if you are creating a time ticket and don’t have a ticket number to assign. If you have a wegh ticket from a quarry and that ticket has a ticket number, you should always use that ticket number instead of having the system auto-assign a number.

Ticket pictures can be take and uploaded using camera icon.

Upon clicking the “Save” button, the “Add Ticket” button will be replaced with “Edit Ticket” button which allows you to edit the ticket, if required.

By clicking the “Loaded” button, you will get redirected to the “Delivery” screen. Before marking the load as delivered, you have the option of adding the signature or editing the tickets. If you click on “Add signature”, you will be able to add the signature and the name. Once saved, the button will get hidden on the “Delivery” view.


When you click on the “Delivered” button, you will see your next dispatch (if they are in queue), otherwise you will see the page as shown below.

You can click on “clock out” button once you have finished your work and completed the dispatches. Then you will see the below message on your screen.


Hourly Job

If your job is hourly based, then on the Load page instead of the “Add ticket” button "Clock-in to Job" button will be displayed. When clicking on the "Clock-in to Job" button it will start to count your work time for the specific job.

By clicking on the “Complete Job” button the “Add Ticket” form will be displayed and the “Actual Quantity” field will automatically display the total work hours covered for the specific job.

You are able to edit the hours if there is a reason for doing so.

Multi-load dispatches

In some cases, you may be dispatched on a job that is production-based and you are expected to haul on the job until you are told to stop. These are called multi-load dispatches. The system will automatically send you a new dispatch on this job after you complete a load.

Prior to picking up any loads for a job, you will have the ability to cancel the dispatch by clicking the “Cancel Dispatch” link. Once you have a ticket tied to the job, you won’t see the “Cancel Dispatch” link. Instead, if this is a multi-load dispatch, you’ll see a “Mark Dispatch Complete” link. If you click on the “Mark Dispatch Complete” link you will see a “You are about to mark this dispatch complete. Are you sure you want to do this?”. If you choose “Yes”, then you won’t get any new dispatches for this job and will be assigned the next dispatch in the queue when this dispatch is completed.


At the time of logging into the driver app if you see any “Notifications Permission is required” error message, then you have to manually enable the notification settings of your browser.

To enable the notification settings, you have to open the chrome app and select the vertical elipse icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

Select the “Settings” option

Select the “Site settings” option

Select the “Notifications” option


Enable the “Notifications” Control.

If it is already enabled, then find the URL of the Driver app site and click on it and enable the “Show notifications” toggle button.

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