The “Luck Stone” tab will be shown only if” import Luck Stone earnings” feature is enabled on the tenant. For importing Luck Stone earnings, you should have the required permission and should enable the “Allow importing Luck Stone Earnings” checkbox on this page.
On the “Select the Luck Stone customer” control, if there is only a single customer with the text of “Luck Stone” somewhere in the name, then that customer will be automatically selected on the control and also you can change it, if required. If there are multiple customers with “Luck Stone” in the name, then you have to select the customer.
On the “HaulerRef” control you need to enter your relevant Luck Stone Hauler Reference number.
For the Luck Stone earnings records, if the driver pays are based on production pay, then you have to enable the “Use for production pay” checkbox. Otherwise, If the driver pays are based on hourly pay, then “Use for production pay” checkbox should be kept unchecked and you have to add their hourly time entries through Employee time entry form.