Dump Truck Software for More Productive Hauling Operations

Dump Truck Dispatcher is cloud-based software that streamlines operations for aggregate haulers. Organize and manage your quotes, orders, tickets, schedules, invoices, dispatches, communications, driver pay, DOT requirements, and fleet vehicle maintenance.

The advantage many successful haulers don't want you to know about

Over 90% of the aggregate hauling companies are running their operations with pencil and paper. Some of the more advanced companies may be using spreadsheets to track their jobs. Only a small percentage of companies are using integrated software to optimize all their hauling business processes.

A streamlined, integrated system can

  • Improved dispatcher productivity
  • Happier dispatchers and customers
  • Increased truck utilization
  • Cut administrative labor expenses in half
  • Improve cash flow
  • Reduced fleet vehicle maintenance costs and fewer unplanned breakdowns
  • Increased profitability
Dump Truck Dispatcher is an integrated transport management system designed specifically for dump truck companies. Most of the trucking company software was designed for freight. Then they tacked on some functionality so they can say it works for the hauling industry. This application was designed from the start to handle the unique needs of aggregate hauling companies.

Ask about the case study of a large fleet that gained a 28% improvement in revenue per mile and a 26% improvement in revenue per hour when they started using Dump Truck Dispatcher 

Improve your dispatching operations with easy to use dispatch software

Being a dispatcher is a stressful job that requires communicating with customers and coordinating with others in the company. With so many questions and requests coming into the dispatch office, it is imperative that dispatchers have information related to customers, orders, drivers, trucks, and schedules at their fingertips.

Paper-based systems are error-prone and take too long to find the information. Imagine how much easier it would be to create an order if you could create it by duplicating an existing order or building it off a quote that already specifies the materials and pricing. After quickly creating a quote, good dispatch software makes it easy to assign the trucks that will be working on a specific job order.

If a customer calls in and wants to move his order to a different day, or if it is raining and you need to reschedule the job, moving the order to another day is as simple as selecting the "Move" menu item and choosing the day you want to move the order to.

The schedule is very visual, and the colors allow you to see the status of all of your trucks and drivers at a glance.

Streamlined process reduces labor expenses

Following are some of the processes that Dump Truck Dispatcher handles

  • Quoting
  • Order Management
  • Scheduling
  • Dispatching to the cab
  • Ticket entry
  • Invoicing
  • Time Tracking
  • Pay Statements
  • DOT Requirement Tracking
  • Vehicle Maintenance

The data from each step in the process flows to the next without having to enter the same data multiple times. Add the data once, and it is used anywhere it is needed.

Think of all the communications involved in each of the above documents. Each of these pieces of paper also has a risk of being lost or getting stuck on someone's desk. How much time is spent searching for these documents? Most of the time spent searching for paperwork and related communications is wasted time.

Good dispatching software should be integrated with quoting, order management, and other office functionality to reduce the need to verbally communicate and search for those lost quotes, orders, and tickets. As each person does their job, the information will be available in the system for others to see. Gone are the days of searching through the papers on someone else's desk because they are on vacation and you need that order.

Having the right dump truck dispatch software can streamline your workflow and reduce the non-value-added work being done.

Reduce lost tickets and cut invoicing time by 70 - 90%

Invoice Creation
Invoice creation in 3 easy steps
  1. Select the tickets to be invoiced.
  2. Click the "Invoice" button.
  3. Review automatically created invoices and either email or print the invoices.
Then you can export the invoice to QuickBooks with the click of a button.
If you are using our driver app, you have the option of allowing the driver to enter the tickets when they get loaded, or you can opt to have the system automatically create a placeholder ticket when the truck is loaded. 

If the drivers are turning in their tickets from the quarry you will know that the driver did not give you all their tickets because you will have a system-created ticket without a matching quarry ticket.

With this approach, the ticket data entry time is reduced to a fraction of what it would normally take.

Once the tickets are entered, the invoices can be batch-created by selecting the tickets you want to invoice. The invoices are automatically created for all of your customers in seconds.

Save time communicating with drivers

How do you communicate with your drivers? How do you let them know when they need to start work in the morning? Do you have to call, email, or text each of them the night before?

Dump Truck Dispatcher cuts this time drastically. After all of the orders are entered, and you have created your driver assignments, pressing a single button notifies all of your drivers of their start time and creates their dispatches.

The driver can use the driver app to see what time they start and to see their first dispatch of the day. If they acknowledge the dispatch, the dispatcher will be able to see who has acknowledged their dispatches and who has not.

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Driver Application as seen on Android Device

Easy to use and accessible from anywhere you have an Internet connection

ipad showing schedule
Since this software is cloud-based, numerous people can be working in the system at one time. Changes in one part of the system are reflected in real-time in any other part of the system using that data. This means you can make decisions based on real-time data without having to call to get the status. You don't have to run into the office every time you need to do a dispatch or need to check the status of orders.

Since Dump Truck Dispatcher is mobile responsive, you can pull up the latest information about a job on your iPad, tablet, smartphone, or laptop while visiting a job site. Or you could be creating a quote for a client while visiting them in their office.
Request Demo

Happier customers

We all have that one customer that requires additional attention. Extra reports, copies of their tickets, those items that cost your back office additional time.

What if you could present that information in a Customer Portal? Think of the time savings for your back office. And the streamlining of the process. Each customer can be set up with their own login and view their specific info.

Your customers will be happier because fewer orders will slip through the cracks. With the improved logistics capabilities, you will be able to keep them better informed on the status of their work.

Subscribers can create portals for one, a few, or all their clients, simply by checking a box on the Customer’s Profile and inviting that Customer to join.

The Customer Portal will automatically show the client all of their invoices and their associates tickets.

Your Customer can print the invoice and process it directly from the portal.
dispatcher on phone

Reduce the time you spend coordinating sub-contractors or lease haulers

Do you contract with lease haulers to haul for your jobs? Is it a hassle to make the calls or send the text messages to get them to commit to working for you? How do you coordinate their activities with your internal fleet?

With the Dump Truck Dispatcher Subcontractor Portal, your subcontractors' operations are integrated with your internal trucks. Your Subcontractors can log into their portal, see your requests, respond with their availability, and view the jobs you have assigned and dispatched them to.

Once you have sent the request and they have provided the trucks to the system, you will be able to add these trucks to the schedule just like your internal trucks. After that, the dispatching process and the driver app are the same for the lease haulers as it is for your internal trucks.

And if your subs are using the Driver App, the tickets are shown in near real time showing them exactly how much they are earning with each load.

In addition, your subcontractors have the ability to enter and maintain their trucks and drivers, relieving your dispatchers from worrying about the subs personnel.

There is a special request process where the system can send requests to your lease haulers, who can enter the trucks they will provide for you.

Information at your fingertips

How do you determine if you should buy a new truck or replace a truck that is frequently in the shop for expensive repairs? Does it make more sense to subcontract work or to buy a new truck? Which drivers and trucks are your most productive?

A good logistics software program will help you to answer the above questions and will help optimize the productivity of your existing fleet so you can delay buying new vehicles or subcontracting out work.

The image to the right shows the status of your trucks and driver DOT requirements at a glance. Green is good, yellow is due, and red is overdue.

There are revenue graphs showing the revenue by truck, driver, customer, date, etc.. so you can dig into it and see where most of your revenue is coming from. See the reports section for more details on other reports and graphical components in Dump Truck Dispatcher.

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