Release 2.4.0 

The major emphasis of this development cycle was to add fuel surcharge functionality and to add summary KPIs to the dashboard.

Fuel Surcharge

With these increased fuel costs, it is hard to keep up with what you need to bill to ensure you aren’t losing money on each load. This is especially important for quotes that are more than a few months old. To help, we added functionality to automatically calculate a fuel surcharge, add it to the invoices, and include it in the revenue numbers.

You will need to enable the fuel surcharge functionality, define your calculation(s), and specify which calculation, if any, to use on the various quotes and orders.

You can find the document explaining how to set up the fuel surcharge here.

Changes to Dashboard

We added 8 new summary graphs to the dashboard to let you see a summary of revenue and major expenses. You can specify the date range of the calculations and to specify how you want to include lease haulers.

You will only see the last 3 components if you have a GPS system integrated as that data is necessary to be able to calculate these items.

If you aren’t tracking fuel cost in the system, the fuel cost value will always be $0.

We added the ability to modify the dashboard components that get displayed. At the top right corner of the dashboard is a menu with an option to “Modify Dashboard”.

Clicking the “Modify Dashboard” menu option will display a list that lets you hide or show the desired components.

We added empty state images to some dashboard components when no data is available. Clicking these images takes you to the appropriate setup screen.

Dispatching Improvements

Previously, trucks had to be removed from the dispatch dialog one at a time. You can now click the “X” in the upper right corner of the “Send To” box to remove all trucks at once.

A new menu option “Mark all jobs complete” was added to the menu at the top right of the schedule. When this option is clicked, all open jobs on the schedule will be marked complete and any dispatches that are not being worked will be closed.

Previously when a job was marked complete on the schedule, you would be prompted about whether you are sure you want to do this. This results in added keystrokes. Instead, the action will be done without prompting you. If it was a mistake, you can always reverse the action.

Driver App

The driver app logic was improved to show better notification errors. We also improved how the application tries to update itself after a new version has been released and when it runs into an authentication error.

Tickets by Driver

We changed the logic to default the truck when adding a ticket on the Tickets by Driver screen.

Driver Assignment

We appended the Load At value to the Driver Assignment list to help in determining the start time.

Improvements to Quotes

We added the “Quote Id” to the data shown in the quote list and provide a way to search for quotes by this id.

You can also find the “Quote Id” on the quote itself.

When creating an order from a quote, we used to add all the line items to the quote automatically and you could delete the ones you didn’t want. On large quotes, this meant you would have to delete numerous line items on the order.

To fix this issue, with this new version, we are no longer defaulting on the line items. Instead, you must click the “Add Order Item” button. This will display a list of all the items from the quote. You then check the box for any items you want added to the order.


Changed the Notification query to be async and added indices for performance improvement.

Removed some unused bundles and packages.

Added DriverId to the OrderLineTruck to improve query performance.

Standardized colors on dashboard with those on schedule.

Removed MapQuest since it was previously replaced by Google Maps.

Trim numbers before parsing them during csv import to prevent spaces at the beginning or end of the data.



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