Release 2.4.5

This release was focused on improving usability and adding a way to add jobs to the schedule quickly. Be sure to read below to find out where your "Send Orders to Drivers" menu went. 


On an order when a customer with a single quote is selected, we used to assume that this was the desired quote and created the order based on this quote. However, the customer might be placing an order that was not for quoted items. In that case, the quote needed to be deleted as well as the line item that was added from the quote if there was a single line item. To reduce the need to do this, you will need to select the quote if you want to base the order on it. The order won’t be automatically set to use the single quote.

On the previous update, we locked down what could be edited on an order created from a quote. On this update, we relaxed the requirement that prevented changing the delivery location. There were cases where a quote was entered for a subdivision. Then, when the customer requests material to be delivered, they request a specific lot in the subdivision. Since the rate doesn’t change for each lot and it doesn’t make sense to have to enter a line item in the quote for every lot, we made the deliver to location editable.

Since 90+% of orders have a single line item, we have added a way to quickly add a job to the schedule. You’ll notice a new “Add job” menu item available on the menu on the schedule.

This will display a dialog like the one shown below.

After you select a designation the correct controls will become visible on the form. This should reduce the time it takes to enter a job with a single line item.

You can also edit a job from the schedule by selecting the “Edit Job” menu item on any job shown on the schedule. This will cut down on the navigation between the schedule and the order.


Cleaned up the interaction between dispatching and the SMS messages sent regarding the dispatch. In the past, if the message failed due to its length, the dispatch was not created. We changed it so the dispatch will still be created even if the message exceeds the 450 characters we allot to the SMS. If the length of the message exceeds 450 characters, we truncate the message and create the dispatch. There is a new limit of 3900 characters for the message which is based on database storage constraints. That should give enough characters for most messages.

If the drivers settings include email, these messages over 450 characters but under 3900 characters will be sent via email without being truncated. So if you tens to send a lot of long messages for your dispatches, you might consider changing your drivers to only get email messages.

“Send Orders to Drivers” has been moved to the schedule. Frequently, the wrong date was being selected when the option was chosen from the main menu. When you run it from the schedule, it will automatically pick up the same date as the date shown on the schedule. This should cause fewer mistaken dispatches because of the wrong date being selected.

Driver App

In the prior version, if “Require Tickets” setting was checked, the ticket information had to be entered before the driver could leave the load screen. This approach didn’t work if the driver needed to get a picture of the ticket after it was signed at the delivery site. To improve this experience, we move the ticket requirement to be before the load could be marked as delivered.


We removed the “Allow Adding Tickets” and “Has Actual Amounts” settings. These were old setting that no one was using as the functionality we added over the years did away with their need.


Created a new invoice (#5). This invoice includes a subtotal in the footer. If you want this new invoice, you’ll need to set it on the “Invoice” tab of “Settings”.


Changed the “Daily Summary” report to be sorted by customer.

Changed the “Revenue by Truck” report so that it can show the data across all offices instead of the office the person pulling the report belongs to. We added an option to specify the office if desired.

When receipt line items are deleted, the associated ticket will be set to unbilled.

Removed the selectpicker control from several places. Replaced with our standard select2.

Changed the company name validation in signup to allow spaces.

On the “tickets by Driver, added logic to change the designation when a rate is added or removed.

Added a QuoteServiceId to the OrderLineItem to ensure a better relationship between the order and the quote line items. This should also improve the performance of some queries.

Removed the ability to select all for merges and limited the merges to 5 items at a time. This is to prevent someone from accidentally merging all customers, locations, products, etc… into one.

Removed “Billing Reconciliation” views since they weren’t used. This was only used in conjunction with payment processing which no companies were currently using.

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