Release 2.4.9

The majority of this release is to help those that have many different types of trucks and trailers that they schedule and dispatch. If you have different truck types and trailers, you may want to evaluate if you should turn the below-mentioned settings on.


Added a check to prevent adding the same driver/truck combination to an order line multiple times.

Previously, the initial driver assignment was used when assigning trucks to jobs. We changed this to use the last driver assignment.

Removed the validation message when copying order if the “Validate Truck Utilization” is disabled.

Changes to better support scheduling trailers

When the setting to “Show trailers on schedule" on the “Dispatching and Messaging” tab is checked, the following functionality will be available.

Added the ability to assign a tractor to a trailer from the truck block on the schedule. Right-click to see the context menu.

Added the ability to assign a trailer to a tractor from the truck block on the schedule. Right-click to see the context menu.

Display trailers connected to trucks on the schedule when “Show trailers on schedule” is enabled. The image below shows that tractor 206 has trailer 327 attached.

You can remove the trailer from the tractor by right-clicking the tractor-trailer and selecting the “Remove trailer” option.

Added category, make, and model when hovering over trailers on the truck block of the schedule.

Added category, make, and model to the “Select Trailer” modal dialog.

Added category, make, and model to the “Set Trailer for Order Line” modal dialog. When you right click on a truck in the truck assignment area for a job, you can change the trailer associated with this job. This dialog is similar to the one shown above.

Added Trailer Id to the “Ticket” entity so we can have the history of the trailer used on the job. This trailer can be seen on the ticket export.

Include vehicle categories

We added a new setting “Allow specifying truck/trailer categories on quotes and orders” on the “General” tab.

This new setting, when checked, will show the truck categories on the order lines and quote lines. If you leave the value blank, any type of truck/trailer can be used on the job. If you specify one or more types of truck/trailer, you will be unable to schedule any type of truck other than what is specified. The truck/trailer scheduled for the job can be any of the specified trucks/trailers if multiple are specified.

This will display on the quote line items, the printed quote report, order line items, and work orders reports.

Trucks/trailers of the wrong category can’t be assigned to a job on the schedule if they are the wrong category and “Allow specifying truck and trailer categories on the schedule” is enabled.

If you have specified a trailer that must be used for the order line item, you must have the appropriate type of trailer attached to a truck (can do via the truck block) before you can assign the truck and trailer to the order line.


Changed order of columns on invoice 5. The other invoices have the first three columns as Ticket Number, Truck, and Date. When we created option 5 we changed the sort order to Date, Truck, and Ticket Number. In this release, we changed the order of the columns to agree with the sort order.

Added “CustomerId” and “PO Number” columns to the “Transaction Pro” csv export


Automatically set the “Termination Date” of a lease hauler driver when the driver is inactivated.

Changed the table width on “Unbilled Tickets Modal”

When calculating the driver pay rate on the dashboard, changed the calculation to use the “Freight Rate to Pay Driver” instead of the “Freight Rate” in those cases where they might be different.

Added columns to the “Customer Import”.

Removed ticket information from the “Load History” screen. With the new driver app, the application will support multiple tickets per load and dispatch. Retaining the association to the tickets on this screen would have resulted in duplicate entries for each load. Since this screen is centered around loads, we decided to remove the display of the ticket associated with the load.

Added 'Pay Statement' and 'Lease Hauler Statement' readonly checkboxes to the ticket edit form so you can see if a ticket is tied to a pay statement or lease hauler statement.

Added an “Employee Id” control to the “Add/Edit” driver form to allow adding data to tie to the company’s internal employee id.

Added OrderLineNoteIcon on Tickets by Driver view to allow the back-office to readily see the associated note which may have billing implications.

Changed “Hide completed orders” text on the schedule to “Hide completed jobs”.


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